Q: What pages in the web site can I create permanent links to?

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A: Vision of Britain is a large site and contains many "home pages" which we will do our best to keep at the same addresses. Firstly, the main kinds of specialised content:

Secondly, our "expert search" options, letting you do more precise searching for places using wildcards, specifying counties and so on:

We aim to keep the ID numbers we use to identify particular administrative units as stable as possible, although very occasionally particular numbers will have to change to correct errors. This means you will be fairly safe linking to our home pages for particular units:


Similarly, we now aim to keep the ID numbers we use to identify places stable, so you can link to the place home pages:


If your site is based around geographical locations, and especially UK National Grid references, you can link to Vision of Britain location pages, which offer access to our map library, to descriptive text for places near the specified point, and to information about administrative units which covered the point. The URL needs to be of the form:


The coordinates must be six-digit numbers measuring the number of meters east and north from the OSGB grid origin west of the Scilly Isles. NB this is the same format as is used by Landmark Information's Old Maps web site, so if you already link to Old Maps adding a link to Vision of Britain should be trivial.

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