1861 Census of England and Wales, Ages (Sample Report Title: Population Tables. Ages, Civil Condition, Occupations and Birth-places of the People: with the Ages and Occupations of the Blind, of the Deaf-and-dumb, and of the inmates of certain public institutions Part I), Table 17 : " Occupations of Males aged 20 Years and upwards in Districts".

Show England Dep table Warwickshire RegC
Total of Males 146,224 Show data context
1. Persons engaged in the General or Local Government of the Country 1,381 Show data context
(1) Officers of National Government 451 Show data context
      Civ. Serv. not in Rev. Dep. 48 Show data context
      Post Office 285 Show data context
      Inland Revenue 105 Show data context
      Customs 3 Show data context
      Government Messengers, Workmen 6 Show data context
      Dockyard Artificers 0 Show data context
      Other Govt. 4 Show data context
(2) Officers of Local Government 913 Show data context
      Magistrate 58 Show data context
      Police 593 Show data context
      Prison Officer 63 Show data context
      Union and Parish Officer 123 Show data context
      Officer of Local Board 11 Show data context
      Other Local Officers 65 Show data context
(3) Officers of East India and Colonial Government 17 Show data context
      E. India and Col. Service 17 Show data context
2. Persons engaged in the Defence of the Country 1,118 Show data context
(1) Army 1,015 Show data context
      Army Officer 68 Show data context
      Army Half-pay Officer 61 Show data context
      Soldier 498 Show data context
      Chelsea Pensioner 302 Show data context
      Militia 80 Show data context
      Others 6 Show data context
(2) Navy 103 Show data context
      Navy Officer 14 Show data context
      Navy Half-pay Officer 15 Show data context
      Seaman, R.N. 7 Show data context
      Royal Marine 21 Show data context
      Greenwich Pensioner 46 Show data context
      Others 0 Show data context
3. Persons engaged in the Learned Professions or engaged in Literature, Art, and Science (with their immediate Subordinates) 3,613 Show data context
(1) Clergymen, Ministers, and Church Officers 809 Show data context
      Clergyman 419 Show data context
      Protestant Minister 135 Show data context
      Roman Catholic Priest 63 Show data context
      Other Relig. Teachers 99 Show data context
      Parish Clerk 50 Show data context
      Other Church Officers 43 Show data context
(2) Lawyers, Law Court Officers, and Law Stationers 547 Show data context
      Barrister 33 Show data context
      Solicitor 214 Show data context
      Law Student 2 Show data context
      Other Lawyers 4 Show data context
      Officers of Law Court 36 Show data context
      Law Clerk 240 Show data context
      Law Stationer 18 Show data context
(3) Physicians, Surgeons, and Druggists 841 Show data context
      Physician 50 Show data context
      Surgeon, Apothecary 308 Show data context
      Medical Student, Assist. 61 Show data context
      Dentist 36 Show data context
      Druggist 381 Show data context
      Others 5 Show data context
(4) Authors and Literary Persons 45 Show data context
      Author, Editor, Writer 11 Show data context
      Ors. eng. in Literature 34 Show data context
(5) Artists 465 Show data context
      Artist, Painter 125 Show data context
      Sculptor 17 Show data context
      Engraver 264 Show data context
      Photographic Artist 57 Show data context
      Ors. Eng. in the Fine Arts 2 Show data context
(6) Musicians, Teachers of Music 304 Show data context
      Musician 210 Show data context
      Music-master 94 Show data context
      Others 0 Show data context
(7) Actors, Actresses 75 Show data context
      Actor 40 Show data context
      In Theatres, Exhibitions 35 Show data context
(8) Teachers 473 Show data context
      Schoolmaster 389 Show data context
      Teacher of Languages 39 Show data context
      Profes. of Mathematics 8 Show data context
      Teacher (General) 20 Show data context
      Teacher of Dancing 11 Show data context
      Other Teachers 6 Show data context
(9) Scientific Persons 54 Show data context
      Civil Engineer 46 Show data context
      Other Scientific Persons 8 Show data context
4. Persons engaged in the Domestic Officers or Duties of Wives, Mothers, Mistresses of Families, Children, Relatives (not otherwise returned) 242 Show data context
(3) Children and Relatives at home (not otherwise described) 152 Show data context
      Son, Grandson, Brother, Neph. (not oth. Des.) 152 Show data context
(4) Scholars (so described) 90 Show data context
      Scholar (so described) 90 Show data context
5. Persons engaged in entertaining, and performing Personal Offices for Man 4,080 Show data context
(1) In Board and Lodging 1,913 Show data context
      Innkeeper, Hotelkeeper 393 Show data context
      Publican 1,165 Show data context
      Beerseller 210 Show data context
      Lodg., Boardg.-house K. 54 Show data context
      Coffee-house Keeper 47 Show data context
      Cook (not Domst. Serv.) 9 Show data context
      Others--Boarding, &c. 35 Show data context
(2) Attendance (Domestic Servants, &c.) 2,167 Show data context
      Domst. Serv. (General) 938 Show data context
      Coachman 177 Show data context
      Groom 415 Show data context
      Gardener 243 Show data context
      Inn Servant 325 Show data context
      Hosp. Attent., Nurse, &c. 48 Show data context
      Others 21 Show data context
6. Persons who buy or sell, keep, or lend Money, Houses or Goods of various Kinds 3,483 Show data context
(1) Mercantile Men [Women] 2,598 Show data context
      Merchant 102 Show data context
      Banker 21 Show data context
      Insur., Ben. Soci. Offr. 51 Show data context
      Stock Broker, &c. 8 Show data context
      Ship Broker, Agent 2 Show data context
      Broker 65 Show data context
      Agent, Factor 281 Show data context
      Coal, Colliery Agent 45 Show data context
      Iron Merchant, Agent 35 Show data context
      Salesman 28 Show data context
      Auctioneer, Apprsr., Val. 79 Show data context
      Accountant 138 Show data context
      Commercial Clerk 1,318 Show data context
      Commercial Traveller 388 Show data context
      Other Mercantile Men 37 Show data context
(2) Other General Dealers 885 Show data context
      Pawnbroker 145 Show data context
      Marine-store Dealer 100 Show data context
      Ge. Dlr., Costermonger 256 Show data context
      Shopkeeper 85 Show data context
      Hawker, Pedlar 290 Show data context
      Other General Dealers 9 Show data context
7. Persons engaged in the Conveyance of Men, Animals, Goods, and Messages 6,434 Show data context
(1) Carriers on Railways 1,815 Show data context
      Rail. Engine Driver, &c. 350 Show data context
      Railway Official 346 Show data context
      Railway Servant 986 Show data context
      Railway Police 131 Show data context
      Ors. eng. in 2 Show data context
(2) Carriers on Roads 1,790 Show data context
      Toll Collector 60 Show data context
      Coach, Omn., Cab, Ownr. 90 Show data context
      Livery Staple Keeper 16 Show data context
      Coachman (not domstc.) 227 Show data context
      Cabman, Flyman 280 Show data context
      Carm., Carr., Carter, Dray. 1,082 Show data context
      Others 35 Show data context
(3) Carriers on Canals and Rivers 945 Show data context
      Canal and River Service 173 Show data context
      Bargeman, Waterman 771 Show data context
      Others 1 Show data context
(4) Carriers on Seas and Rivers 79 Show data context
      Shipowner 0 Show data context
      Seaman (Mercht. Serv.) 47 Show data context
      Pilot 0 Show data context
      Boatman on Seas 0 Show data context
      Dock Servant, Labourer 7 Show data context
      Wharfinger 20 Show data context
      Others 5 Show data context
(5) Engaged in Storage 640 Show data context
      Warehsmn. (not Manch.) 473 Show data context
      Others in Storage 167 Show data context
(6) Messengers and Porters 1,165 Show data context
      Messr., Port., Ernd. Boy 1,132 Show data context
      Telegraph Service 31 Show data context
      Others in Messages 2 Show data context
8. Persons possessing or working the Land, and engaged in growing Grain, Fruits, Grasses, Animals, and other Products 24,736 Show data context
(1) In Fields and Pastures (Agriculturists) 22,766 Show data context
      Land Proprietor 300 Show data context
      Farmer, Grazier 3,600 Show data context
      Farmer's "Son", "Brother", "Grandson" 906 Show data context
      Farm Bailiff 276 Show data context
      Agricultural Labourer 15,812 Show data context
      Shepherd (out-door) 592 Show data context
      Farm Servant (in-door) 1,098 Show data context
      Land Surv., Estate Agt. 97 Show data context
      Others in Agriculture 85 Show data context
(2) In Woods (Arboriculturists) 113 Show data context
      Woodman 112 Show data context
      Others in Arboriculture 1 Show data context
(3) In Gardens (Horticulturists) 1,857 Show data context
      Gardener 1,818 Show data context
      Nurseryman 39 Show data context
      Others in Horticulture 0 Show data context
9. Persons engaged about Animals 1,481 Show data context
(1) Persons engaged about Animals 1,481 Show data context
      Horse Dealer 40 Show data context
      Horsebreaker 38 Show data context
      Horsekpr., Grm., Jockey 825 Show data context
      Farrier, Veterinary Sur. 150 Show data context
      Cattle, Sheep,--Dealer 102 Show data context
      Drover 53 Show data context
      Pig Merchant, Dealer 34 Show data context
      Gamekeeper 167 Show data context
      Vermin Destroyer 21 Show data context
      Fisherman 5 Show data context
      Others about Animals 46 Show data context
10. Persons engaged in Art and Mechanic Productions, in which Matters of various kinds are employed in combination 30,736 Show data context
(1) In Books 892 Show data context
      Bookseller, Publisher 137 Show data context
      Bookbinder 110 Show data context
      Printer 570 Show data context
      Newspaper Agent 67 Show data context
      Others in Publications 8 Show data context
(2) In Musical Instrument 68 Show data context
      Musical Instr. Mak., Dlr. 48 Show data context
      Others 20 Show data context
(3) In Prints and Pictures 278 Show data context
      Lithographer, Lithographic Printer 92 Show data context
      Others 186 Show data context
(4) In Carving and Figures 114 Show data context
      Wood-carver 45 Show data context
      Others 69 Show data context
(5) in Tackle for Sport and Games 108 Show data context
      Toy Maker, Dealer 20 Show data context
      Bow, Bat, Tackle,--Mak. 88 Show data context
(6) In Designs, Medals, and Dies 205 Show data context
      Pattern Designer 21 Show data context
      Others 184 Show data context
(7) In Watches and Philosophical Instruments 3,246 Show data context
      Watchmkr., Clockmkr. 2,491 Show data context
      Optician 215 Show data context
      Weight or Measure Mkr. 388 Show data context
      Others 152 Show data context
(8) In Surgical Instruments 24 Show data context
      Surgical Instrmt. Maker 18 Show data context
      Others 6 Show data context
(9) In Arms 4,362 Show data context
      Gunsmith, Gun Manuf. 4,018 Show data context
      Others 344 Show data context
(10) In Machines 4,949 Show data context
      Eng. and Mach. Maker 1,826 Show data context
      Spindle-maker 0 Show data context
      Needle manufacture 719 Show data context
      Scissors-maker 2 Show data context
      Tool Maker, Dealer 971 Show data context
      File-maker 203 Show data context
      Saw Smith, Maker 50 Show data context
      Cutler 48 Show data context
      Blade Maker, Forger 1 Show data context
      Knife-maker 5 Show data context
      Razor-maker 1 Show data context
      Others in Tools, Mchns. 1,123 Show data context
(11) In Carriages 1,289 Show data context
      Coachmaker 919 Show data context
      Others 370 Show data context
(12) In Harness 860 Show data context
      Saddler, Harness-maker 704 Show data context
      Whip-maker 156 Show data context
(13) In Ships 118 Show data context
      Shipbldr., Shipwright 7 Show data context
      Block, Oar, Mast,--Mak. 0 Show data context
      Boat, Barge,--Builder 100 Show data context
      Sailmaker 10 Show data context
      Others 1 Show data context
(14) In Houses and Buildings 11,186 Show data context
      House Proprietor 302 Show data context
      House Agent 61 Show data context
      Architect 75 Show data context
      Surveyor 40 Show data context
      Builder 466 Show data context
      Carpenter, Joiner 3,888 Show data context
      Bricklayer 2,851 Show data context
      Marble Mason 44 Show data context
      Mason, Pavior 840 Show data context
      Slater, Tiler 118 Show data context
      Plasterer 462 Show data context
      Paperhanger 89 Show data context
      Plumber, Painter, Glazr. 1,891 Show data context
      Others 59 Show data context
(15) In Furniture 1,861 Show data context
      Cabinet Maker, Uphol. 1,063 Show data context
      Undertaker 9 Show data context
      Chair-maker 131 Show data context
      Picture-frame Maker 49 Show data context
      Carver, Gilder 116 Show data context
      Bedstead, Mattress,--Mak. 341 Show data context
      Furniture Broker 121 Show data context
      Others 31 Show data context
(16) In Implements 956 Show data context
      Wheelwright 690 Show data context
      Millwright 137 Show data context
      Other Implement Mkrs. 129 Show data context
(17) In Chemicals 220 Show data context
      Manuf. Chemist, Laborer 73 Show data context
      Dye, Colour,--manuf. 18 Show data context
      Dyer, Calenderer 101 Show data context
      Others 28 Show data context
11. Persons working and Dealing in the Textile Fabrics and in Dress 18,230 Show data context
(1) In Wool and Worsted 149 Show data context
      Woolstapler 27 Show data context
      Felt manufacture 6 Show data context
      Woollen Cloth manuf. 39 Show data context
      Clothier 7 Show data context
      Fuller 0 Show data context
      Wool, Woollen,--Dyer 0 Show data context
      Worsted manufacture 42 Show data context
      Stuff manufacture 2 Show data context
      Flannel manufacture 0 Show data context
      Blanket manufacture 1 Show data context
      Carpet, Rug,--manuf. 11 Show data context
      Others 14 Show data context
(2) In Silk 5,784 Show data context
      Silk manufacture 2,260 Show data context
      Silk Dyer, Printer 297 Show data context
      Silk Mercer 10 Show data context
      Ribbon manufacture 2,998 Show data context
      Others 219 Show data context
(3) In Cotton and Flax 109 Show data context
      Flax, Linen,--manuf. 33 Show data context
      Thread manufacture 1 Show data context
      Lace manufacture 18 Show data context
      Cotton manufacture 22 Show data context
      Fustian manufacture 0 Show data context
      Muslin manufacture 0 Show data context
      Calico, Cotton,--Printer 0 Show data context
      Calico, Cotton,--Dyer 8 Show data context
      Others 27 Show data context
(4) In Mixed Materials (1, 2, 3.) 1,178 Show data context
      Packer and Presser 37 Show data context
      Weaver (undefined) 23 Show data context
      Manchester Warehmn. 2 Show data context
      Draper, Mercer 936 Show data context
      Others 180 Show data context
(5) In Dress 10,733 Show data context
      Hairdresser, Wig-maker 333 Show data context
      Hatter, Hat manuf. 385 Show data context
      Straw Plait manuf. 1 Show data context
      Straw Hat, Bonnet Mak. 14 Show data context
      Shawl manufacture 3 Show data context
      Furrier 7 Show data context
      Tailor 2,669 Show data context
      Clothes Dealer, Outfitr. 90 Show data context
      Button-maker 1,591 Show data context
      Hose manufacture 40 Show data context
      Hosier, Haberdasher 132 Show data context
      Glover, Leather, &c. 8 Show data context
      Shoemaker, Bootmaker 5,021 Show data context
      Patten, Clog,--Maker 57 Show data context
      Umbrella, Stick,--Mak. 145 Show data context
      Others providing Dress 237 Show data context
(6) In Hemp and other Fibrous Materials 277 Show data context
      Mat Maker, Seller 16 Show data context
      Rope, Cord,--Maker 160 Show data context
      Canvas Maker, Dealer 0 Show data context
      Sailcloth manufacture 0 Show data context
      Others 101 Show data context
12. Persons working and dealing in Food and Drinks 8,876 Show data context
(1) In Animal Food 2,658 Show data context
      Cowkeeper, Milkseller 366 Show data context
      Cheesemonger 20 Show data context
      Butcher, Meat Salesman 1,668 Show data context
      Provision Curer, Dealer 311 Show data context
      Poulterer, Game Dealer 69 Show data context
      Fishmonger 214 Show data context
      Others 10 Show data context
(2) In Vegetable Food 2,927 Show data context
      Corn Merchant, Dealer 123 Show data context
      Miller 704 Show data context
      Flour Dealer, Agent 17 Show data context
      Baker 1,265 Show data context
      Confectioner, Pastry Ck. 294 Show data context
      Greengrocer, Fruiterer 425 Show data context
      Fruit, Flower,--Vendor 9 Show data context
      Potato Merchant 40 Show data context
      Seed Mercht., Seedsman 32 Show data context
      Sugar Refiner 4 Show data context
      Others 14 Show data context
(3) In Drinks and Stimulants 3,291 Show data context
      Maltster 466 Show data context
      Brewer, &c. 942 Show data context
      Wine and Spirit Mercht. 123 Show data context
      Distiller, Rectifier 2 Show data context
      Cellarman 35 Show data context
      Ginger Br., Sod. Wat. Ma. 43 Show data context
      Grocer, Tea Dealer 1,443 Show data context
      Tobo., Cig., Snuff, manuf. 50 Show data context
      Tobacconist 100 Show data context
      Others 87 Show data context
13. Persons working and dealing in Animal Substances 1,621 Show data context
(1) In Grease, Gut, Bones, Horn, Ivory, and Whalebone 538 Show data context
      Soap-boiler 27 Show data context
      Tallow-chandler 101 Show data context
      Comb-maker 71 Show data context
      Others 339 Show data context
(2) In Skins, Feathers, and Quills 660 Show data context
      Fellmonger 37 Show data context
      Skinner 9 Show data context
      Tanner 119 Show data context
      Currier 285 Show data context
      Others 210 Show data context
(3) In Hair 423 Show data context
      Hair, Bristle,--manuf. 42 Show data context
      Brush, Broom,--Maker 379 Show data context
      Others 2 Show data context
14. Persons working and dealing in Vegetable Substances 3,397 Show data context
(1) In Gums and Resins 508 Show data context
      Oil Miller, Refiner 1 Show data context
      Oil and Colourman 13 Show data context
      French-polisher 68 Show data context
      Japanner 368 Show data context
      Others 58 Show data context
(2) In Wood 2,189 Show data context
      Timber Merch., Dealer 154 Show data context
      Wood Dealer 20 Show data context
      Sawyer 875 Show data context
      Fence, Hurdle,--Maker 10 Show data context
      Lath-maker 42 Show data context
      Turner 429 Show data context
      Box-maker 34 Show data context
      Cooper 355 Show data context
      Hoop Maker, Bender 35 Show data context
      Others 235 Show data context
(3) In Bark 58 Show data context
      Cork Cutter, manuf. 58 Show data context
      Others Workers in Bark 0 Show data context
(4) In Cane, Rush, and Straw 318 Show data context
      Basket-maker 223 Show data context
      Hay and Straw Dealer 43 Show data context
      Thatcher 21 Show data context
      Others 31 Show data context
(5) In Paper 324 Show data context
      Rag Gatherer, Dealer 36 Show data context
      Paper manufacture 65 Show data context
      Stationer (not Law) 98 Show data context
      Paper-stainer 4 Show data context
      Others Workers in Paper 121 Show data context
15. Persons working and dealing in Minerals 26,484 Show data context
(1) In Mining 1,574 Show data context
      Coal-miner 1,375 Show data context
      Copper-miner 0 Show data context
      Tin-miner 0 Show data context
      Lead-miner 2 Show data context
      Iron-miner 103 Show data context
      Others 94 Show data context
(2) In Coal 1,443 Show data context
      Coal Merchant, Dealer 743 Show data context
      Coalheaver, Labourer 296 Show data context
      Coke Burner, Dealer 9 Show data context
      Chimney Sweeper 140 Show data context
      Gas Works Service 252 Show data context
      Other Workers in Coal 3 Show data context
(3) In Stone, Clay 2,492 Show data context
      Stone Quarrier 168 Show data context
      Stone Cutter, Polisher 72 Show data context
      Slate Quarrier 1 Show data context
      Limestone Quar., Burner 69 Show data context
      Clay Labourer 4 Show data context
      Brick Maker, Dealer 913 Show data context
      Railway Labourer 566 Show data context
      Platelayer 96 Show data context
      Excavator, Navvy 163 Show data context
      Road Contractor, &c. 23 Show data context
      Road Labourer 294 Show data context
      Scavenger 37 Show data context
      Dust Collector 0 Show data context
      Others 86 Show data context
(4) In Earthenware 226 Show data context
      Earthenware manuf. 47 Show data context
      Tobacco-pipe Makers 69 Show data context
      Earthenw., Glass, Dealer 105 Show data context
      Others 5 Show data context
(5) In Glass 1,011 Show data context
      Glass manufacture 972 Show data context
      Other Workers in Glass 39 Show data context
(6) In Salt 13 Show data context
      Salt manufacture 2 Show data context
      Other Dealers in Salt 11 Show data context
(7) In Water 68 Show data context
      Waterworks Service 31 Show data context
      Others 37 Show data context
(8) In Gold, Silver, and Precious Stones 3,777 Show data context
      Goldsmith, Jeweller 2,531 Show data context
      Plater, Plated Wareman 788 Show data context
      Others 458 Show data context
(9) In Copper 136 Show data context
      Copper manufacture 51 Show data context
      Coppersmith 84 Show data context
      Others 1 Show data context
(10) In Tin and Quicksilver 672 Show data context
      Tin manufacture 14 Show data context
      Tinman, Tinker 363 Show data context
      Tinplate Worker 282 Show data context
      Others 13 Show data context
(11) In Zinc 56 Show data context
      Zinc manufacture 56 Show data context
      Others 0 Show data context
(12) In Lead and Antimony 93 Show data context
      Lead manufacture 68 Show data context
      Typefounder 0 Show data context
      Others 25 Show data context
(13) In Brass and other mixed Metals 7,934 Show data context
      Brass Founder, manuf. 3,921 Show data context
      Brazier 168 Show data context
      Locksmith, Bellhanger 253 Show data context
      Gasfitter 411 Show data context
      Wire Maker, Drawer 689 Show data context
      Wire Worker, Weaver 250 Show data context
      Others 2,242 Show data context
(14) In Iron and Steel 6,989 Show data context
      Iron manufacture 1,669 Show data context
      Whitesmith 355 Show data context
      Blacksmith 2,483 Show data context
      Nail manufacture 548 Show data context
      Anchor, Chain,--Smith 41 Show data context
      Boiler-maker 171 Show data context
      Ironmonger 220 Show data context
      Hardwareman, Dealer 95 Show data context
      Steel manufacture 76 Show data context
      Grinder (branch undef.) 98 Show data context
      Others 1,233 Show data context
16. Labourers and others - Branch of Labour undefined 8,099 Show data context
(1) General Labourers 7,174 Show data context
      Labourer 7,174 Show data context
(2) Other Persons of indefinite Occupations 925 Show data context
      Mechanic 69 Show data context
      Shopman 22 Show data context
      Apprentice 2 Show data context
      Others of indef. occu. 832 Show data context
17. Persons of Rank or Property, not returned under any Office or Occupation 404 Show data context
(1) Persons of Rank or property, not returned under any Office or Occupation 404 Show data context
      Gentleman 249 Show data context
      Annuitant 155 Show data context
18. Persons supported by the Community and of no specified Occupation 482 Show data context
(1) On Income from voluntary Sources and Rates 446 Show data context
      Dependent on Relatives 5 Show data context
      Almserperson, no stat. occ. 14 Show data context
      Pauper, no stated occ. 135 Show data context
      Lunatic, no stated occ. 198 Show data context
      Others 94 Show data context
(2) Prisoners and others of Criminal Class 5 Show data context
      Prisoner, no stated occ. 5 Show data context
(3) Vagrants and Gipsies 31 Show data context
      Vagrant, Beggar 11 Show data context
      Gipsy 20 Show data context
19. Persons of no stated Rank, Profession, or Occupation 1,327 Show data context
      Visitor, no stated occ. 64 Show data context
      Others of no stated occupation or condition 1,263 Show data context

Click on the triangles for all about a particular number.


1 Note that the original table is organised into the Orders and sub-Orders listed here, but provides counts only for the individual occupations.

This website does not try to provide an exact replica of the original printed census tables, which often had thousands of rows and far more columns than will fit on our web pages. Instead, we let you drill down from national totals to the most detailed data available. The column headings are those that appeared in the original printed report. The numbers presented here, which are the same ones we use to create statistical maps and graphs, come from the census table and have usually been carefully checked.

The system can only hold statistics for units listed in our administrative gazetteer, so some rows from the original table may be missing. Sometimes big low-level units, like urban parishes, were divided between more than one higher-level units, like Registration sub-Districts. This is why some pages will give a higher figure for a lower-level unit: it covers the whole of the lower-level unit, not just the part within the current higher-level unit.


We are grateful to the following contributors. If you make use of the data in your own work, please follow any instructions given here on acknowledgment and re-use.

David Allan Gatley (School of Social Sciences, University of Staffordshire). Role: transcriber. Restrictions on use: the contributor must be acknowledged but the data may be freely used for non-commercial purposes.