1931 Census of England and Wales, Occupation Tables, Table 16 : " Occupations of Males and Females, showing also total Operatives and the total Out of Work".

Show Lancashire AdmC table St Helens CB/MB  
Occupation Males
Total Population 54,546 Show data context 52,243 Show data context
Under 14 years of age 14,808 Show data context 14,747 Show data context
Aged 14 years and over 39,738 Show data context 37,496 Show data context
Operatives (in work): Number 27,611 Show data context 7,869 Show data context
Operatives (in work): Per cent. Of Occupied (I-XXXI) 77 Show data context 80 Show data context
Out of work (all classes): Number 6,350 Show data context 1,053 Show data context
Out of work (all classes): Per cent. Of Occupied (I-XXXI) 18 Show data context 11 Show data context
I-XXXI Occupied 14 Years and over 36,062 Show data context 9,841 Show data context
XXXII Unoccupied and Retired 14 years and over 3,676 Show data context 27,655 Show data context
I FISHERMEN 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Fishermen 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
II AGRICULTURAL OCCUPATIONS 337 Show data context 23 Show data context
    Land and Estate Agents and Managers (not Auctioneers and Estate Agents 3 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Farmers 44 Show data context 2 Show data context
    Farmers' Sons, Daughters, or Other Relatives assisting in the work of the Farm 17 Show data context 3 Show data context
    Gardeners, Nurserymen, Seedsmen, Florists 74 Show data context 6 Show data context
    Agricultural and Forestry Pupils (not at Colleges) 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Farm Bailiffs 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Foresters and Woodmen 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Agricultural Machine, Tractor-Proprietors, Foremen, Drivers, Attendants 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Farm Foremen 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Agricultural Labourers, Farm Servants 147 Show data context 8 Show data context
    Agricultural Labourers, Farm Servants: Shepherds 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Agricultural Labourers, Farm Servants: Employed in tending cattle, dairying, etc. 15 Show data context 4 Show data context
    Agricultural Labourers, Farm Servants: Employed in charge of Horses 15 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Agricultural Labourers, Farm Servants: Not otherwise distinguished 117 Show data context 4 Show data context
    Gardeners' Labourers 34 Show data context 4 Show data context
    Estate Labourers 4 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Pea and Fruit Pickers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Other Agricultural Occupations 11 Show data context 0 Show data context
III MINING AND QUARRYING OCCUPATIONS 9,391 Show data context 136 Show data context
In Coal and Shale Mines 9,330 Show data context 136 Show data context
    Owners, Agents, Managers 30 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Subordinate Superintending Staff (including Inspectors, Contractors, and Foremen) 394 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Hewers and Getters 3,053 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Persons conveying Material to the Shaft 2,314 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Persons making and Repairing Roads 609 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Other Workers below Ground 1,866 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Other Workers above Ground 1,064 Show data context 136 Show data context
In Metalliferous Mines and Workings 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Owners, Agents, Managers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Subordinate Superintending Staff (including Inspectors, Contractors, and Foremen) 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Other Workers below Ground 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Other Workers above Ground and in Open Workings 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
In other Mines and Quarries and at Brine and Oil Wells 61 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Owners, Agents, Managers 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Subordinate Superintending Staff (including Inspectors, Contractors, and Foremen) 6 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Stone Miners, Quarriers 15 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Slate Miners, Quarriers 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Chalk, Clay, Sand, Gravel-Pit Workers 28 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Other Workers 10 Show data context 0 Show data context
Makers of Coal Gas, Coke, and By-Products (excluding Tar Distilling). 27 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Employers and Managers 2 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Foremen and Overlookers 5 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Other Skilled Workers 20 Show data context 0 Show data context
Makers of Other Products 19 Show data context 14 Show data context
    Employers and Managers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Foremen and Overlookers 2 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Kiln Men and Lime Burners 3 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Other Skilled Workers 14 Show data context 13 Show data context
V MAKERS OF BRICKS, POTTERY AND GLASS 3,761 Show data context 491 Show data context
Makers of Bricks, Tiles and Pottery 271 Show data context 110 Show data context
    Employers and Managers 13 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Foremen and Overlookers 13 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Brick and Unglazed Tile-Makers, Moulders, Pressers, and Cutters 57 Show data context 74 Show data context
    Furnace and Crucible Pot Makers 10 Show data context 5 Show data context
    Potters' Mill Workers; Slip Makers and Arkmen 7 Show data context 3 Show data context
    Potters; Ware-Makers, Casters, and Finishers 32 Show data context 17 Show data context
    Kiln and Oven Men; Kiln Setters and Placers 119 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Other Skilled Workers 20 Show data context 11 Show data context
Makers of Glass and Glass Ware 3,490 Show data context 381 Show data context
    Employers and Managers 52 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Foremen and Overlookers 122 Show data context 24 Show data context
    Teazers and Founders 229 Show data context 4 Show data context
    Gatherers 91 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Blowers and Finishers (not Machine Hands) 389 Show data context 2 Show data context
    Moulders and Pressers 465 Show data context 9 Show data context
    Other Skilled Workers 2,142 Show data context 342 Show data context
VI WORKERS IN CHEMICAL PROCESSES: MAKERS OF PAINTS, OILS, &C 131 Show data context 10 Show data context
Workers in Chemical Processes 104 Show data context 9 Show data context
    Employers and Managers 7 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Foremen and Overlookers 10 Show data context 2 Show data context
    Distillers and Still Men 2 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Process Men and Furnacemen 49 Show data context 3 Show data context
    Other Skilled Workers 36 Show data context 4 Show data context
Makers of Paints, Oils (not Mineral), &c 27 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Employers and Managers 10 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Foremen and Overlookers 2 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Paint and Colour Grinders and Mixers 4 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Other Skilled Workers 11 Show data context 0 Show data context
VII METAL WORKERS (NOT ELECTRO PLATE OR PRECIOUS METALS) 2,303 Show data context 44 Show data context
Employers, Managers, Foremen 93 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Employers and Managers 37 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Foremen and Overlookers: Foundry 10 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Foremen and Overlookers: Machine Shop 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Foremen and Overlookers: Fitting and Erecting 25 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Foremen and Overlookers: Other and Undefined 20 Show data context 0 Show data context
Furnacemen (not Annealing or Foundry), Rollers, and their Assistants 58 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Puddlers 2 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Shinglers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Other Furnacemen and their Skilled Assistants 24 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Rollers and their Skilled Assistants 22 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Other Assistants to Furnacemen and Rollers 10 Show data context 1 Show data context
Foundry Workers 286 Show data context 3 Show data context
    Brass Moulders 19 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Other Metal Moulders (not Blast Furnace) 156 Show data context 3 Show data context
    Die Casters 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Iron or Steel Foundry Furnace and Cupola Men 6 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Iron or Steel Foundry Labourers 69 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Brass, Bronze Foundry Furnacemen 3 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Brass, Bronze Foundry Labourers 15 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Other Foundry (not Type) Furnacemen and Casters 8 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Other Foundry (not Type) Labourers 10 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Smiths and Skilled Forge Workers 264 Show data context 2 Show data context
    Metal Machinists 167 Show data context 9 Show data context
Fitters 833 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Erectors, Fitters 460 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Tool Setters 4 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Millwrights 2 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Erectors', Fitters', Millwrights' Labourers 174 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Cycle-Makers, Fitters, and Mechanics 4 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Mechanical Engineers; Engineers (not Engine Drivers) 80 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Mechanics (so returned) 12 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Motor Mechanics (so returned) 83 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Mechanical Engineers', Engineers', and Mechanics Labourers 14 Show data context 0 Show data context
Other Workers 602 Show data context 28 Show data context
    Annealers, Softeners, Hardeners, Temperers 10 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Art Metal Workers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Boiler Makers, Platers, and Iron Shipwrights 28 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Boiler Makers' and Platers' Labourers 2 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Brass Finishers and Turners 14 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Card Clothing-Clothiers, Setters, and Nailers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Constructional Engineers (not Professional), Steel Erectors, Structural Iron Workers 19 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Coppersmiths 6 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Cutlers 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Die Cutters and Sinkers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Drillers (Hand, Pneumatic or Electric) 9 Show data context 0 Show data context
    File Cutters (Hand or Machine) 0 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Filers 4 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Galvanizers (not Sheets) 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Gas Fitters 23 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Grinders 10 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Glazers, Polishers, Buffers, and Moppers 6 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Gunsmiths and Gun Lock and Action Makers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Heating and Ventilating Engineers (so returned) 19 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Lead Burners and Chemical Plumbers 17 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Lock, Latch, and Key Makers; Locksmiths 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Metal Spinners 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Oxy-Acetylene or Electric Welders and Cutters 23 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Picklers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Pipe Fitters 47 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Plumbers (not Chemical Plumbers) 160 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Plumbers' Labourers 22 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Press Workers and Stampers (not Hot or Hydraulic), Drawers (not Wire or Tube) 4 Show data context 6 Show data context
    Rivetters 11 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Rivetters' Labourers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Roller Engravers and Block Cutters 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Safe Makers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Scale and Weighing Machine-Makers, Fitters, and Adjusters 4 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Solderers and Brazers 0 Show data context 9 Show data context
    Tinners 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Tinsmiths, Sheet Metal Workers 30 Show data context 3 Show data context
    Tool Makers (so returned) 7 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Tube Drawers and Welders 0 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Wire Drawers and Makers 25 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Wire Weavers and Wire Rope Makers 37 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Other Skilled Workers 63 Show data context 3 Show data context
VIII WORKERS IN PRECIOUS METALS AND ELECTRO PLATE 2 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Employers and Managers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Foremen and Overlookers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Electro Platers, Nickel Platers 0 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Engravers and Chasers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Goldsmiths and Gem Setters 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Polishers and Scratch Brushers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Pressers, Saw Piercers, and Stampers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Silver and White Metal Smiths; Mounters 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Other Skilled Workers 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Employers and Managers 6 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Foremen and Overlookers 33 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Accumulator Makers and Plasters 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Coil Winders 3 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Coil Insulators 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Insulated Cable and Wire Machine Drivers and Setters-up 118 Show data context 13 Show data context
    Insulated Cable and Wire Machine Assistants 28 Show data context 15 Show data context
    Electric Lamp and Valve-Stemmers, Sealers, and Exhausters 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Filament, Grid, and Anode Makers and Mounters 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Inspectors, Viewers, and Testers 27 Show data context 2 Show data context
    Instrument Makers and Assemblers 14 Show data context 12 Show data context
    Electrical Engineers and Fitters; Electricians and Wiremen 231 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Linemen and Cable Jointers 32 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Other Skilled Workers 19 Show data context 0 Show data context
X MAKERS OF WATCHES, CLOCKS, AND SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS 12 Show data context 4 Show data context
    Employers and Managers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Foremen and Overlookers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Scientific Instrument Makers and Repairers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Watch, Clock, and Chronometer Makers and Repairers 12 Show data context 3 Show data context
    Other Skilled Workers 0 Show data context 1 Show data context
Furriers, Skinners, Tanners, and Leather Dressers 6 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Employers and Managers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Foremen and Overlookers (including Head Warehousemen and Chief Sorters) 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Furriers, Fur Sewers and Machinists 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Lime and Tan Yard Workers (not Labourers) 3 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Curriers and Leather Dressers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Enamellers, Japanners, Dyers, Stainers, and Finishers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Other Skilled Workers 3 Show data context 0 Show data context
Makers of Leather and Leather Substitute Goods (not Boots and Shoes) 10 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Employers and Managers 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Foremen and Overlookers 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Cutters-out 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Belting Makers, Sewers, and Repairers 3 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Saddlers and Harness Makers 4 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Makers of Bags and Trunks 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Other Skilled Workers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
XII TEXTILE WORKERS 52 Show data context 190 Show data context
    Employers and Managers 3 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Foremen and Overlookers: Blowing room 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Foremen and Overlookers: Sorting and Blending 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Foremen and Overlookers: Carding, Combing, and Drawing 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Foremen and Overlookers: Spinning and Doubling (not Silk Doubling) 2 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Foremen and Overlookers: Winding, Warping, Slashing, or Sizing; Silk Doubling 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Foremen and Overlookers: Weaving 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Foremen and Overlookers: Other or Undefined 1 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Wool Sorters 0 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Rag and Wool Carbonisers and Washers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Breakers, Rag Grinders, Hecklers, and Willowers 0 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Card, Comb, and Frame Tenters (not Ring, Cap, or Flyer Frame); Box Minders 0 Show data context 4 Show data context
    Strippers and Grinders; Card Grinders, Card Room Jobbers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Spinners and Piecers (Mule, Ring, Cap or Flyer) 18 Show data context 7 Show data context
    Doublers and Doubling Frame Tenters (not Silk); Silk Throwsters 4 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Winders, Reelers, Beamers, Warpers, Silk Doublers 1 Show data context 25 Show data context
    Drawers-in and Twisters-in 0 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Sizers, Slashers, and Tapers 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Weavers 1 Show data context 114 Show data context
    Rope Makers, Layers, and Stranders 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Hosiery Frame Tenters and Machine Knitters 0 Show data context 6 Show data context
    Hand Knitters 0 Show data context 2 Show data context
    Lace Machine Tenters and Warp Hands 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Felt Formers, Batters, and Hardeners (no Hats) 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Lookers and Examiners; Burlers and Menders 0 Show data context 5 Show data context
    Bleach Croft Workers (not Labourers) 4 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Dyers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Scourers (Woollen Cloth, Worsted, and Hosiery), Calenderers, and Finishers 2 Show data context 3 Show data context
    Scollopers, Clippers, and Lace Warehouse Hands 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Other Skilled Workers in Bleaching, Dyeing, Finishing etc. 1 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Other Workers in Bleaching, Dyeing, Finishing etc. 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Heald Knitters 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Other Skilled Workers 14 Show data context 17 Show data context
XIII MAKERS OF TEXTILE GOODS AND ARTICLES OF DRESS 377 Show data context 544 Show data context
    Employers and Managers 37 Show data context 8 Show data context
    Foremen and Overlookers 8 Show data context 7 Show data context
    Cutters (not Hats, Gloves or Boots) Skilled 9 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Cutters (not Hats, Gloves or Boots) Knife or Machine 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Tailors; Tailors' Pressers and Machinists 36 Show data context 100 Show data context
    Dress and Blouse Makers 0 Show data context 91 Show data context
    Corset Makers and Machinists 0 Show data context 2 Show data context
    Embroiderers and Embroidery Machinists 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Milliners 0 Show data context 27 Show data context
    Hat Formers, Plankers, Stiffeners 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Hat Sewers, Finishers, Trimmers 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Glove (not Knitted or Rubber)-Makers, Cutters, Sewers, and Machinists 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Boot and Shoe Makers and Repairers (so returned) 109 Show data context 2 Show data context
    Boot, Shoe, Slipper-Clickers and Cutters 3 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Other defined-Skilled-Boot, etc., Factory Operatives 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Other Boot, etc., Factory Operatives 0 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Clog Makers 27 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Umbrella, Parasol-Makers, Coverers, Repairers 1 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Sack Makers 1 Show data context 8 Show data context
    Tarpaulin, Tent, Sail, and Other Canvass Goods-Makers, Dressers, Repairers 141 Show data context 11 Show data context
    Sewers, Stitchers, Sewing Machinists (not elsewhere enumerated) 2 Show data context 269 Show data context
    Other Skilled Workers 0 Show data context 16 Show data context
XIV MAKERS OF FOODS, DRINKS, AND TOBACCO 226 Show data context 183 Show data context
Makers of Foods 206 Show data context 163 Show data context
    Employers and Managers 30 Show data context 16 Show data context
    Foremen and Overlookers 8 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Grain Millers 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Bakers and Pastry Cooks (including Biscuit Makers) 130 Show data context 139 Show data context
    Sugar and Sweet Boilers 3 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Sugar Confectionery Makers, Moulders, and Coverers 2 Show data context 4 Show data context
    Meat and Fish Curers and Smokers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Other Skilled Workers 32 Show data context 3 Show data context
Makers of Alcoholic Drinks 14 Show data context 14 Show data context
    Employers and Managers 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Foremen and Overlookers 3 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Maltsters 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Skilled Workers in Ale, etc., Brewing 7 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Beer Bottlers 0 Show data context 11 Show data context
    Cellarmen 1 Show data context 2 Show data context
    Other Skilled Workers 2 Show data context 0 Show data context
Makers of Non-Alcoholic Drinks 6 Show data context 6 Show data context
    Employers and Managers 6 Show data context 3 Show data context
    Foremen and Overlookers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Other Skilled Workers 0 Show data context 3 Show data context
    Makers of Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarettes, Snuff 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Employers and Managers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Foremen and Overlookers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Other Skilled Workers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
XV WORKERS IN WOOD AND FURNITURE 990 Show data context 16 Show data context
Workers in Wood 964 Show data context 15 Show data context
    Employers and Managers 15 Show data context 3 Show data context
    Foremen and Overlookers 21 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Basket Makers 7 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Cabinet Makers 61 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Carpenters 481 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Coach, Carriage, Van, and Cart Builders; Body Builders 21 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Coopers, Hoop Makers and Benders 35 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Packing Case Makers 138 Show data context 10 Show data context
    Pattern Makers (Wood or Undefined) 51 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Sawyers 55 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Shipwrights and Boat and Barge Builders (Wood) 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Shop Fitters (so returned) 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Walking and Umbrella Stick Makers, Benders, Dressers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Wheelwrights 23 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Wood Carvers, Picture Frame makers 3 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Wood Turners and Machinists 48 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Other Skilled Workers 5 Show data context 0 Show data context
Upholsterers, &c 26 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Employers and Managers 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Foremen and Overlookers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Bedding and Mattress Makers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Carpet and Linoleum Planners 3 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Upholsterers, Coach Trimmers, etc. 22 Show data context 1 Show data context
XVI MAKERS OF AND WORKERS IN PAPER AND CARDBOARD; BOOKBINDERS, &c 9 Show data context 34 Show data context
Makers of Paper and Cardboard 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Employers and Managers 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Foremen and Overlookers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Vatmen and Machine Men 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Other Skilled Workers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Makers of Stationery and Cardboard Boxes; Book-binders and Other Workers in Paper 8 Show data context 34 Show data context
    Employers and Managers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Foremen, Overlookers, and Form Setters 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Pressers, Stampers, Scorers, and Punchers 0 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Envelope and Paper Bag Makers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Cardboard Box Makers 3 Show data context 7 Show data context
    Bookbinders 4 Show data context 23 Show data context
    Other Skilled Workers 1 Show data context 3 Show data context
XVII PRINTERS AND PHOTOGRAPHERS 97 Show data context 39 Show data context
    Employers and Managers 10 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Foremen and Overlookers 2 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Compositors-Hand 13 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Compositors-Machine Operatives 17 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Stereotypers and Electrotypers 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Process Engravers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Photographers 3 Show data context 7 Show data context
    Lithographic Artists and Transferrers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Letterpress or Litho Printing Machine Minders and Setters 13 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Letterpress or Litho Printing Machine Assistants 12 Show data context 20 Show data context
    Printers (so returned) 23 Show data context 2 Show data context
    Machine Rulers 1 Show data context 3 Show data context
    Textile Printers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Wall Paper Printers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Oil or Floor Cloth Printers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Gold and Silver Blockers and Stampers, Bronzers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Other Skilled Workers 2 Show data context 5 Show data context
    Employers and Managers 59 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Foremen and Gangers 43 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Clerks of Works 5 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Builders' Labourers 131 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Bricklayers 396 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Bricklayers' Labourers 126 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Plasterers 71 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Plasterers' Labourers 28 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Glaziers 14 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Slaters and Tilers 28 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Masons; Stone Cutters, Dressers, and Carvers 46 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Masons' Labourers 11 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Slate Workers and Slate Masons 3 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Platelayers 131 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Paviours and Street Masons, Concretors and Asphalters 18 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Well, Mine-Sinkers, Borers 2 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Other Skilled Workers 42 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Other Workers (mainly Navvies) 399 Show data context 0 Show data context
XIX PAINTERS AND DECORATORS 400 Show data context 6 Show data context
    Employers and Managers 28 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Foremen and Overlookers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Aerographers and Paint Sprayers 10 Show data context 0 Show data context
    French Polishers 29 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Japanners and Enamellers of Metal (including Stovers) 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Paper Hangers 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Pottery Dippers and Glazers 1 Show data context 2 Show data context
    Pottery Painters and Decorators 0 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Signwriters 4 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Other Painters and Decorators 327 Show data context 2 Show data context
XX WORKERS IN OTHER MATERIALS 9 Show data context 3 Show data context
Workers in Rubber 1 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Employers and Managers 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Foremen and Overlookers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Mixers, Spreaders, and Moulders 0 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Vulcanizers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Other Skilled Workers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Workers in Bone, Horn, Ivory, Celluloid, Vulcanite 3 Show data context 2 Show data context
    Employers and Managers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Foremen and Overlookers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Turners 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Other Skilled Workers 3 Show data context 2 Show data context
Workers in Other Materials 5 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Employers and Managers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Foremen and Overlookers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Feather Dressers and Dyers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Drafters and Brush Makers 2 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Other Skilled Workers 3 Show data context 0 Show data context
Makers of Musical Instruments (not Piano, &c., Case Makers) 10 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Employers and Managers 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Foremen and Overlookers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Action Makers, Fitters, and Assemblers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Piano Tuners 7 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Other Skilled Workers 2 Show data context 0 Show data context
Makers of Vehicles (not returned as Metal Workers or Wood Workers) 27 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Employers and Managers 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Foremen and Overlookers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Repairers of Railway Wagons and Mine Trams and Tube 14 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Other Skilled Workers 12 Show data context 0 Show data context
Builders of Ships and Boats (not returned as Metal Workers or Wood Workers) 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Employers and Managers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Foremen and Overlookers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Shipwrights (Material not stated) 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Other Skilled Workers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Makers of Other Products 16 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Employers and Managers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Foremen and Overlookers 1 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Dental Mechanics 10 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Other Surgical or Dental Instrument and Appliance Makers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Other Skilled Workers 5 Show data context 0 Show data context
XXII PERSONS EMPLOYED IN TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATION 2,259 Show data context 126 Show data context
Railway Transport Workers 575 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Railway-Officials, Stationmasters, Yard Masters, Passenger and Goods Agent 21 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Locomotive Engine Drivers 129 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Motormen 2 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Locomotive Engine Firemen 86 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Locomotive Engine Cleaners 40 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Guards 48 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Signalmen 64 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Shunters, Pointsmen, and Level Crossing Men 73 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Ticket Collectors and Examiners 4 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Porters (including Lampmen) 88 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Other Railway Transport Workers 20 Show data context 0 Show data context
Road Transport Workers 1,194 Show data context 30 Show data context
    Omnibus and Tramway Proprietors, Managers and Superintendents 4 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Livery Stable Proprietors and Managers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Motor Garage Proprietors and Managers 8 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Haulage and Cartage Contractors and Managers; Master Carmen 32 Show data context 2 Show data context
    Inspectors and Foremen (not Horse Foremen) 19 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Drivers and Coachmen of Coaches, Carriages and Horse Omnibuses 4 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Drivers of Lorries, Wagons, Vans, and Carts (Horse) 231 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Drivers of Self-Propelled Vehicles-Passenger 85 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Drivers of Self-Propelled Vehicles-Goods 573 Show data context 16 Show data context
    Tram Drivers 55 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Van Boys and Van Guards 74 Show data context 8 Show data context
    Omnibus and Tram Conductor 85 Show data context 2 Show data context
    Horse Foremen, Grooms and Horse-keepers 9 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Other Workers 15 Show data context 0 Show data context
Water Transport Workers 33 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Ship-Owners, Managers, Brokers, and Agents 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Harbour, Dock, Canal-Officials; Piermasters 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Wharfingers and Master Stevedores 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Navigating Officers and Pilots 4 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Engineering Officers 4 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Petty Officers, Seamen, and Deck Hands 6 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Wireless Operators (Seagoing) 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Firemen, Trimmers, Greasers, and Donkeymen 4 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Pursers, Stewards, and Domestic Staff 6 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Bargemen and Boatmen 2 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Marine and Engineering Superintendents 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Harbour, Dock, and Stevedoring Foremen 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Lock Keepers; Bridge, Stage, and Pier Men 2 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Stevedores 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Coal Loaders and Dischargers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Other Dock Labourers 3 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Other Workers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Other Workers in Transport and Communication 457 Show data context 96 Show data context
    Employers and Managers 5 Show data context 4 Show data context
    Foremen and Supervisors 5 Show data context 2 Show data context
    Aviators 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Postmen and Post Office Sorters 59 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Wireless Operators (not Seagoing) 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Other Telegraph Operators 12 Show data context 2 Show data context
    Telephone Operators 8 Show data context 30 Show data context
    Lift Attendants 19 Show data context 2 Show data context
    Messengers 323 Show data context 53 Show data context
    Porters (not Railway, Dock, or Domestic) 21 Show data context 3 Show data context
    Other Workers 4 Show data context 0 Show data context
Commercial Occupations 2,053 Show data context 1,763 Show data context
    Proprietors and Managers of Retail Businesses for the sale of 696 Show data context 498 Show data context
    Proprietors and Managers of Retail Businesses for the sale of: Coal 84 Show data context 5 Show data context
    Proprietors and Managers of Retail Businesses for the sale of: Sugar Confectionery (Sweets) 15 Show data context 62 Show data context
    Proprietors and Managers of Retail Businesses for the sale of: Grocery and Provisions 126 Show data context 51 Show data context
    Proprietors and Managers of Retail Businesses for the sale of: Milk and Dairy Products 37 Show data context 5 Show data context
    Proprietors and Managers of Retail Businesses for the sale of: Meat 81 Show data context 24 Show data context
    Proprietors and Managers of Retail Businesses for the sale of: Fish and Poultry 14 Show data context 4 Show data context
    Proprietors and Managers of Retail Businesses for the sale of: Greengrocery 34 Show data context 22 Show data context
    Proprietors and Managers of Retail Businesses for the sale of: Tobacco 11 Show data context 4 Show data context
    Proprietors and Managers of Retail Businesses for the sale of: Drugs and Druggists' Sundries 13 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Proprietors and Managers of Retail Businesses for the sale of: Ironmongery 18 Show data context 3 Show data context
    Proprietors and Managers of Retail Businesses for the sale of: Boots and Shoes 18 Show data context 2 Show data context
    Proprietors and Managers of Retail Businesses for the sale of: Textiles and other Clothing 70 Show data context 90 Show data context
    Proprietors and Managers of Retail Businesses for the sale of: Paper, Stationery, Books and Periodicals 43 Show data context 22 Show data context
    Proprietors and Managers of Retail Businesses for the sale of: Furniture 14 Show data context 2 Show data context
    Proprietors and Managers of Retail Businesses for the sale of: General and Mixed Businesses 46 Show data context 123 Show data context
    Proprietors and Managers of Retail Businesses for the sale of: Other Retail Businesses 72 Show data context 78 Show data context
    Proprietors and Managers of Wholesale Businesses 60 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Proprietors and Managers of Wholesale and Retail Businesses 12 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Brokers, Agents, Factors (miscellaneous, not elsewhere enumerated) 18 Show data context 10 Show data context
    Buyers 5 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Commercial Travellers 108 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Canvassers (not Dock, Insurance, or Railway) 55 Show data context 33 Show data context
    Salesmen and Shop Assistants retailing 722 Show data context 1,122 Show data context
    Salesmen and Shop Assistants retailing: Coal 10 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Salesmen and Shop Assistants retailing: Sugar Confectionery (Sweets) 3 Show data context 93 Show data context
    Salesmen and Shop Assistants retailing: Bread and Flour Confectionery 4 Show data context 53 Show data context
    Salesmen and Shop Assistants retailing: Grocery and Provisions 276 Show data context 154 Show data context
    Salesmen and Shop Assistants retailing: Milk and Dairy Products 8 Show data context 13 Show data context
    Salesmen and Shop Assistants retailing: Meat 147 Show data context 73 Show data context
    Salesmen and Shop Assistants retailing: Fish and Poultry 12 Show data context 18 Show data context
    Salesmen and Shop Assistants retailing: Greengrocery 14 Show data context 71 Show data context
    Salesmen and Shop Assistants retailing: Tobacco 1 Show data context 10 Show data context
    Salesmen and Shop Assistants retailing: Drugs and Druggists' Sundries 22 Show data context 14 Show data context
    Salesmen and Shop Assistants retailing: Ironmongery 17 Show data context 12 Show data context
    Salesmen and Shop Assistants retailing: Boots and Shoes 18 Show data context 57 Show data context
    Salesmen and Shop Assistants retailing: Textiles and other Clothing 61 Show data context 218 Show data context
    Salesmen and Shop Assistants retailing: Paper, Stationery, Books and Periodicals 15 Show data context 24 Show data context
    Salesmen and Shop Assistants retailing: Furniture 12 Show data context 20 Show data context
    Salesmen and Shop Assistants retailing: General and Mixed Businesses 53 Show data context 61 Show data context
    Salesmen and Shop Assistants retailing: Other Retail Business 49 Show data context 230 Show data context
    Salesmen and Shop Assistants in Wholesale Businesses 63 Show data context 34 Show data context
    Salesmen and Shop Assistants in Wholesale and Retail Businesses 4 Show data context 8 Show data context
    Roundsmen and Van Salesmen 77 Show data context 5 Show data context
    Costermongers and Hawkers 150 Show data context 27 Show data context
    Newspapers Sellers 34 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Advertising Agents 3 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Other Commercial Occupations 46 Show data context 22 Show data context
Persons employed in Finance and Insurance 341 Show data context 26 Show data context
    Company Directors (so returned) 1 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Bankers, Bank Officials (Heads of Departments, Managers, Inspectors) 7 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Stock Brokers 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Stock Jobbers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Insurance Officials (Heads of Departments, Managers, Inspectors) 35 Show data context 3 Show data context
    Insurance Agents, Brokers, Canvassers 252 Show data context 20 Show data context
    Auctioneers, Appraisers, Valuers 25 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Money Lenders and Pawnbrokers 19 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Other Finance and Insurance Occupations 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
Public Administration 177 Show data context 2 Show data context
    Civil Service Administrative, Executive, and Higher Clerical Officers 5 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Other Civil Service Officials (excluding Clerical Staff) 5 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Local Authority Administrative and Executive Officers 24 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Other Local Authority Officials (excluding Clerical Staff) 6 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Police (including Dock and Railway Police): Chief Constables, Inspectors, Superintendents 10 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Police (including Dock and Railway Police): Other 127 Show data context 1 Show data context
Defence 18 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Naval and Marine-Commissioned Officers (Effective) 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Navy and Marines-Other Ratings 6 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Army-Commissioned Officers (Effective) 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Army-Other Ranks 12 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Royal Air Force-Commissioned Officers (Effective) 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Royal Air Force-Other Ranks 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Clergymen (Anglican Church) 24 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Roman Catholic Priests; Monks, Nuns 21 Show data context 25 Show data context
    Ministers of other Religious Bodies 17 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Itinerant Preachers, Scripture Readers, Mission Workers 5 Show data context 10 Show data context
    Church, Chapel, Cemetery-Officials 3 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Judges, Stipendiary Magistrates, Barristers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Solicitors 12 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Physicians, Surgeons, Registered Medical Practitioners 41 Show data context 2 Show data context
    Dental Practitioners 12 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Veterinary Surgeons and Practitioners 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Midwives 0 Show data context 22 Show data context
    Sick Nurses 2 Show data context 202 Show data context
    Mental Attendants 96 Show data context 121 Show data context
    Subordinate Medical Service 41 Show data context 24 Show data context
    Teachers (not Music Teachers) 174 Show data context 489 Show data context
    Teachers of Music 6 Show data context 28 Show data context
    Professional Engineers: Civil Engineering and Surveying 22 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Professional Engineers: Mechanical and Electrical Engineering 19 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Professional Engineers: Mining Engineering 8 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Architects 6 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Ship Designers, Ship Surveyors, Naval Architects 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Chartered, Incorporated, etc. Accountants 9 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Analytical and Research Chemists; Assayers, Metallurgists 61 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Laboratory Attendants 24 Show data context 4 Show data context
    Articled Pupils, and Students in Works, Offices, Studios, etc. 11 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Other Persons engaged in Scientific Pursuits 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Authors, Editors, Journalists, Publicists 13 Show data context 2 Show data context
    Librarians (not booksellers) 4 Show data context 10 Show data context
    Political Association Officials 2 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Industrial and Trade Association Officials 6 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Social Welfare Workers 15 Show data context 8 Show data context
    Painters, Sculptors, Engravers (Artists) 3 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Other Professional Occupations 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Managers, Lessees of Theatres, Picture Theatres, Concert Halls, etc. 14 Show data context 4 Show data context
    Theatrical, Film Hiring, and Variety Agents 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Film Producers, Film Studio Managers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Showmen; Fair and Roundabout Proprietors and Managers 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Proprietors and Managers of other Entertainments and Sports 3 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Actors 10 Show data context 15 Show data context
    Musicians 22 Show data context 8 Show data context
    Stage Hands, Cinema and Limelight Operators 23 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Race Horse Trainers; Jockeys and Stable Lads 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Bookmakers 14 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Other Occupations 59 Show data context 5 Show data context
    Domestic Servants (Indoor) 18 Show data context 1,877 Show data context
    Game Keepers and Game Watchers 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Restaurant Keepers 24 Show data context 67 Show data context
    Lodging and Boarding House Keepers 14 Show data context 57 Show data context
    Matrons (not Hospital), and Stewards in Schools and Other Institutions 2 Show data context 15 Show data context
    Inn, Hotel-Keepers; Publicans, Beersellers 127 Show data context 49 Show data context
    Barmen 31 Show data context 90 Show data context
    Waiters 2 Show data context 51 Show data context
    Restaurant and Refreshment Room Counter Hands 1 Show data context 20 Show data context
    Washers-up and Plate Cleaners 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Hall and Hotel Porters; Doorkeepers and Carriage Attendants 11 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Laundry Workers; Washers, Ironers, Manglers; Dry Cleaners 7 Show data context 134 Show data context
    Managers, Attendants of Baths and Wash-houses 10 Show data context 3 Show data context
    Barbers, Hair Dressers, Manicurists, Chiropodists 105 Show data context 77 Show data context
    Caretakers and Office Keepers 63 Show data context 51 Show data context
    Charwomen, Office Cleaners 11 Show data context 345 Show data context
    Carpet Beaters, Vacuum Cleaners, Window Cleaners 49 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Chimney Sweeps 5 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Undertakers 8 Show data context 1 Show data context
    Others in Personal Service 48 Show data context 87 Show data context
XXVIII CLERKS AND DRAUGHTSMEN; TYPISTS 1,132 Show data context 766 Show data context
    Secretaries and Registrars of Companies, Institutions, and Charities 13 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Heads of Managers of Commercial Office Departments 28 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Draughtsmen 65 Show data context 7 Show data context
    Costing and Estimating Clerks 41 Show data context 8 Show data context
    Typists 7 Show data context 178 Show data context
    Other Clerks 978 Show data context 573 Show data context
XXIX WAREHOUSEMEN, STOREKEEPERS AND PACKERS 625 Show data context 466 Show data context
    Warehousemen 151 Show data context 14 Show data context
    Storekeepers 86 Show data context 4 Show data context
    Warehouse and Storekeepers' Assistants (so returned-not Lace Warehouse Hands) 153 Show data context 184 Show data context
    Packers: Hookers, Lappers, Makers-up and Plaiters 1 Show data context 5 Show data context
    Packers: China and Glass Packers 171 Show data context 117 Show data context
    Packers: Furniture Packers 5 Show data context 2 Show data context
    Packers: Other Packers, Wrappers, Labellers, Ticketers 58 Show data context 140 Show data context
    Stationary Engine and Crane Drivers: Underground in Mines 74 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Stationary Engine and Crane Drivers: Other 245 Show data context 17 Show data context
    Boiler Firemen and Stokers 234 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Boiler Scalers 19 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Gas Producer Men 76 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Dynamo, Motor, and Switchboard Attendants: Underground in Mines 3 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Dynamo, Motor, and Switchboard Attendants: Other 44 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Oilers and Greasers of Engines and Machinery: Underground in Mines 5 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Oilers and Greasers of Engines and Machinery: Other 49 Show data context 0 Show data context
XXXI OTHER UNDEFINED WORKERS 7,090 Show data context 982 Show data context
    Employers and Managers 2 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Foremen and Overlookers 66 Show data context 2 Show data context
    Time Keepers 79 Show data context 2 Show data context
    Watchmen 78 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Fire Brigade Officers and Men 12 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Slingers and Riggers 1 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Sand Blasters 1 Show data context 3 Show data context
    Skilled Labourers (Occupation not determinable) 7 Show data context 0 Show data context
    Rag, Bone, Bottle, etc., Sorters 35 Show data context 7 Show data context
    General Labourers (so described) 3,198 Show data context 59 Show data context
    Labourers (so described) 599 Show data context 9 Show data context
    Other Unskilled Workers (Class of Work specified) 2,649 Show data context 765 Show data context
    Out of Work (Usual Occupation not specified) 319 Show data context 135 Show data context
    Officials (not Clerks) of Foreign Governments 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
    All Other Occupations 44 Show data context 0 Show data context
XXXII RETIRED OR NOT GAINFULLY OCCUPIED 3,676 Show data context 27,655 Show data context
Students in Educational Institutions, etc. 620 Show data context 577 Show data context
Persons following an Occupation outside the United Kingdom: In the Irish Free State 0 Show data context 0 Show data context
Persons following an Occupation outside the United Kingdom: Elsewhere 3 Show data context 0 Show data context
Retired from Previous Gainful Occupation 2,159 Show data context 312 Show data context
Other Persons (no Gainful Occupation stated) 894 Show data context 26,766 Show data context

Click on the triangles for all about a particular number.

This website does not try to provide an exact replica of the original printed census tables, which often had thousands of rows and far more columns than will fit on our web pages. Instead, we let you drill down from national totals to the most detailed data available. The column headings are those that appeared in the original printed report. The numbers presented here, which are the same ones we use to create statistical maps and graphs, come from the census table and have usually been carefully checked.

The system can only hold statistics for units listed in our administrative gazetteer, so some rows from the original table may be missing. Sometimes big low-level units, like urban parishes, were divided between more than one higher-level units, like Registration sub-Districts. This is why some pages will give a higher figure for a lower-level unit: it covers the whole of the lower-level unit, not just the part within the current higher-level unit.