Descriptive Gazetteer Entry for Cairston

Cairston, an estate, with a mansion, in Stromness parish, Orkney, in the western vicinity of Stromness town. It anciently had a church and a monastery, ruins of which still stand in a burying-ground; and it gives name to a presbytery which has its seat in Stromness, and is in the synod of Orkney. The presbytery comprehends the parishes of Stromness, Firth, Stenness (q. s.), Harray, Birsay (q. s.), Hoy and Graemsay, Orphir, Sandwick, and Walls and Flotta. Pop. (1871) 10,465, (1881) 10,414, of whom 1771 were communicants of the Church of Scotland in 1878, the sums raised that year by the above congregations in Christian liberality amounting to £396.

(F.H. Groome, Ordnance Gazetteer of Scotland (1882-4); © 2004 Gazetteer for Scotland)

Linked entities:
Feature Description: "an estate, with a mansion"   (ADL Feature Type: "land parcels")
Administrative units: Stromness ScoP       Orkney ScoCnty

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