A vision of Britain from 1801 to now.
Including maps, statistical trends and historical descriptions.
Column | Type | Contents | row_type | Text string (max.len.=20). |
Type of row:
province | Text string (max.len.=20). | Name of the province containing the county (contains 'IRELAND' for the national total). | county | Text string (max.len.=44). | Name of the county. Empty only for province and national totals. | barony | Text string (max.len.=44). | Name of the barony. This will be empty for counties. | parish | Text string (max.len.=44). | Name of the parish. This will be empty for provinces, counties and baronies. See note above for how this has been copied over for parts of parishes. | parish_part | Text string (max.len.=44). | Name of the part of the parish. See note above for how these were constructed. | part_of | Text string (max.len.=12). | Contains 'P' if part of the parish was separately listed under a different barony, and otherwise empty. The notes column usually provides more details. | area_label | Text string (max.len.=44). |
Label appearing after the area nane.
Rows with these labels are treated as being parishes in their own right:
area_a | Integer number. | "Area: English Statute Acres." Although this column always appears in the table, values appear only for national, province and county totals. A note appearing in the province summaries says: "The Number of Acres given for each County are taken from the best Authority extant; it being quite impracticable to obtain a correct Return from the respective Enumerators as to the Acreable Contents of each Parish." | house_inh | Integer number. | Houses: Inhabited. | fam_total | Integer number. | Houses: Families. | house_bldg | Integer number. | Houses: Building. | house_uninh | Integer number. | Houses: Uninhabited. | fam_agric | Integer number. | Occupations: Families chiefly employed in Agriculture. | fam_manuf | Integer number. | Occupations: Families chiefly employed in Trade, Manufactures, and Handicraft. | fam_other | Integer number. | Occupations: All other Families not comprised in the Two preceding Classes. | tot_male | Integer number. | Persons: Males. | tot_fem | Integer number. | Persons: Females. | tot_pop | Integer number. | Persons: Total of Persons. | males_20_up | Integer number. | Males 20 Years of Age [i.e. the total for the following 8 columns]. | farmers_w_lab | Integer number. | [Adult Male Occupations:] Agriculture: Occupiers employing Labourers. | farmers_nolab | Integer number. | [Adult Male Occupations:] Agriculture: Occupiers not employing Labourers. | farm_lab | Integer number. | [Adult Male Occupations:] Agriculture: Labourers employed in Agriculture. | empl_manuf | Integer number. | [Adult Male Occupations:] Employed in Manufacture or in making Manufacturing Machinery. | empl_retail | Integer number. | [Adult Male Occupations:] Employed in Retail Trade or in Handicraft as Masters or Workmen. | capitalists | Integer number. | [Adult Male Occupations:] Capitalists, Bankers, Professional and other educated Men. | labourers | Integer number. | [Adult Male Occupations:] Labourers employed in Labour not Agricultural. | other_males | Integer number. | [Adult Male Occupations:] Other Males 20 Years of Age (except Servants). | serv_m_20up | Integer number. | [Adult Male Occupations:] Male Servants: 20 Years of Age. | serv_m_u20 | Integer number. | Male Servants: Under 20Years. | serv_fem | Integer number. | Female Servants. | notes | Text string (max.len.=1204). | Footnotes appearing in the original tables. NB these have been included for all counties currently covered. They mostly provide total populations for whole parishes, and indicate where the remainder of a parish or town is listed, but county totals have comments giving more detailed information on workers in manudfacturing, notably giving numbers in branches of textiles. There were no comments on the rows for barony totals. | province_unit | Integer number. | ID number for the province containing the county, as defined in the AUO. | county_unit | Integer number. | ID number for the county, as defined in the AUO. | barony_unit | Integer number. | ID number for the barony, as defined in the AUO. | parish_unit | Integer number. | ID number for the parish, as defined in the AUO. | town_unit | Integer number. | ID number for the towns, as defined in the AUO (units of type IRL_TOWN). | rec_num | Integer number. | Sequence number to keep rows in their original order, added on loading the data into GBHDB. |