All categories in the 1931 Industrial Classification with mappings to other classifications

Table ID:
IND_1931_CODEBOOK     (1250983)
All categories in the 1931 Industrial Classification with mappings to other classifications
Approx. number of rows:
Table type:
Documentation Author:
Humphrey Southall


  1. Strictly speaking, the master list of occupations comes from Table 16, 'Industries of Males and Females, aged 14 and over, in Cities, Counties and Large Burghs', pp. 325-97 in Census of Scotland 1931, vol. III, Occupations and Industries, as it includes one 'Industrial Group', '017. Land and Estate Management', which appears only in the Scottish report. However, with that exception, and the consequences for the 'row_num' column, it also exactly matches the listing in Table 2, 'INDUSTRIES (FULL LIST). MALES AND FEMALES, AGED 14 YEARS AND OVER, EXCLUSIVE OF "OUT OF WORK".', pp. 12-181 in Census 1931: England and Wales: Industry Tables (London: HMSO, 1934).
  2. The 1931 industrial groups were assigned to the 2007 Standard Industrial Clasification using information available from UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 (UK SIC 2007) (, and especially on the 'Summary of Structure' (, accessed 19th December 2014).
  3. This codebook was originally created by Humphrey Southall in spring 2015 to assist with research funded by the Greater London Authority.


  1. The first two columns, row_seq and industry, are identical to the first two columns of ind_1931_lg_t, and the remaining columns are designed to assist in analysis. row_seq is the primary key here.


  1. The 1931 information was manually input by Humphrey Southall and fairly carefully checked. The 2007 labels were cut and pasted from the ONS listing, but their assignment is of course a matter of judgement.


IndexTypeColumn(s) indexed
ind_1931_codebook_pkey Primary key row_seq
ind_1931_codebook_idx Unique sic_section, sic_division, row_seq


The table has the following associated constraints:

ind_1931_codebook_pkey Primary Key See details above for primary key index

Columns within table:

row_seq Integer number. Sequence number identifying the different rows for each unit, and placing them in the correct order.
industry Text string (max.len.=134). The text that appears in the original report to label the information in each row. Most of the remaining columns held here are more structured versions of this information.
order_num Text string (max.len.=13). Roman numeral indicating industrial Order, from I to XXII.
ind_order Text string (max.len.=124). Name of the industrial 'Order', as listed in the original table. This column also holds the labels for five totals listed above the detailed data on industrial structure:
  • Total Population--All Ages
  • Aged 14 years and over: Total Population
  • Aged 14 years and over: Unoccupied and Retired
  • Aged 14 years and over: Out of Work (excluded from Industry classification)
  • Aged 14 years and over: Total in Industries (excluding persons out of work)
sub_ord_num Integer number. Number of a sub-Order within an Order. NB these numbers re-start from 1 within each Order.
sub_order Text string (max.len.=128). Name of the industrial 'sub-Order', as listed in the original table. NB only some Orders are divided into sub-Orders, so this column and sub-Order is often null.
ind_group Text string (max.len.=109). Name of the industrial 'Group', i.e. the most detailed categories in the original table.
group_code Integer number. Integer value identifying the Group within the industry; null if the row is a total for an Order or sub-Order.
small_industry_id Text string (max.len.=28). Code defined by us to identify the 'industries' listed in the simplified 1931 table for small towns and Rural Districts, as held in occ_1931_small, but used here to assign each of the detailed 'Groups' apearing in the full listing to the appropriate simplified category. This is necessary because the simplified categories are somewhat ad hoc, but the source material enables a completely unambiguous assignment. Each code starts with the roman numeral identifying the Order but this is followed by a short string identifying the particular category, such as 'XVIII_DEFENCE', 'XVIII_CIVIL' and'XVIII_LOCAL', these being the listed divisions of Order XVIII, Public Administration.
small_industry Text string (max.len.=117). Name of the simplified category as listed in table 3 of the 1931 England and Wales Industry Tables. These are sometimes ad hoc combinations of sub-Orders, such as '5, 6. Mixed Fibres and Miscellaneous Products.', or of Groups, such as '680-699. Other Commerce and Finance.'.
sic_query Text string (max.len.=6). This is a flag column which holds 'Q' if our assignment of the 1931 group to the 2007 SIC was seen as especially problematic; otherwise empty.
sic_section Text string (max.len.=6). Letter code, running from A to U, assigning the 1931 group to a 'Section' in the 2007 SIC.
sic_section_name Text string (max.len.=126). Name of the 2007 SIC 'Section'. For example, 'A' is 'AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHING' and 'U' is 'ACTIVITIES OF EXTRATERRITORIAL ORGANISATIONS AND BODIES'. The only significance of the letters is to provide an ordering.
sic_division Integer number. Integer number identifying the 2007 SIC 'Division' to which we have assigned the 1931 group. These form a single sequence running from 1 to 99.
sic_division_name Text string (max.len.=134). Name of the 2007 SIC 'Division'. For example, 'AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHING' is divided into (01) 'Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities', (02) 'Forestry and logging', and (03) 'Fishing and aquaculture'. Some Sections contain only one division.