National totals in each detailed industrial category classified by "industrial status", including out of work

Table ID:
IND_1931_NAT_STATUS     (1250992)
National totals in each detailed industrial category classified by "industrial status", including out of work
Approx. number of rows:
Table type:
Raw Data
Documentation Author:
Humphrey Southall
The data are for the single year 1931.


  1. England and Wales: This is an almost complete transcription of Table 1, "Industries (full list). Males and females classified by industrial status (England and Wales)", in the Industry Tables report of the 1931 Census. The only data excluded are from three sections which re-list each in a single block (a) those working for Railway Companies, (b) those "in government employ", clearly meaning central government, and (c) persons "employed by Local Authorities"; these essentially duplicate other parts of the table. Note that the values in the "total" columns are not those in the original published table, as explained below.
  2. Scotland: This is, similarly, an almost complete transcription of Table 15, "Industries of males and females, with industrial status", in vol. III, Occupations and industries of the reports of the Scottish 1931 census, with the same exclusion.
  3. These data were computerised by Humphrey Southall in September 2017 using FineReader OCR software, and extensive checking. Note that, with the exception of the additional category noted below, the labels for Scotland were copied from those already OCR'd for England and Wales, so minor typographic differences may not have been captured.


  1. The tables for England and Wales and for Scotland are very similar, but there are two differences, one much more important than the other:
    • The overall totals for England and Wales as published exclude those "out of work", while those for Scotland include them. This is critical to the calculation of unemployment rates, so the data for England and Wales have been adjusted by adding the "out of work" counts to the published totals so they match the Scottih data. It is relevant here that the instructions to the 1931 census form asked that details of the most recent employer be given for those currently out of work.
    • The Scottish data also include one additional category, "017 Land and Estate Management", within Order 2, Agriculture.
  2. A note to the England and Wales table says: 'Persons "Out of Work" (cols. n and o) are excluded from other columns. Branch, etc, Managers (cols. f, g, h, and i) are those that are identifiable from the returns.', so it is clear that these categories are somewhat problematic. A further note to columns f, g, h, and i says that these categories are 'included in cols. d and e' (i.e. the figures for "Employers, Directors, Managers").
  3. The column 'small_industry_ID' has been added to enable these data to be grouped into the industrial categories which are available for all individual local government districts, and the values held here should exactly match those in ind_1931_codebook. NB all detailed industrial categories have this values set, but it is null for all totals.


  1. Each row was checked to ensure that the listed total for each gender matched the relevant components. This was done before adjusting the totals for England and Wales, so for that area the check for males was that tot_m = empl_man_m + operative_m + self_m. For Scotland, the check was that tot_m = empl_man_m + operative_m + self_m + out_of_work_m.
  2. All columns have been checked to ensure that: (a) the sums of all the individual categories match the listed total for each Order, and (b) the sums of the listed totals for each Order match the overall total.


IndexTypeColumn(s) indexed
ind_1931_nat_status_pkey Primary key row_seq, nation


The table has the following associated constraints:

ind_1931_nat_status_pkey Primary Key See details above for primary key index

Columns within table:

nation Text string (max.len.=6). Flag indicating the nation and source: "EW" = England and Wales, "S" = Scotland. NB there is one critical difference between the two sources, which is that the Scottish data include those out of work in the overall totals, while the England and Wales data do not.
row_seq Integer number. Industry identifier as defined in ind_1931_codebook. NB the labels in this table do not exactly match those in the codebook, so some fuzzy matching was used, but all rows are now assigned an identifier.
ind_level Integer number. Type of row (the counts are for E&W):
  • 0 (1 row): Data are the overall national totals for all industries.
  • 1 (22 rows): Data are totals for an industrial Order.
  • 2 (47 rpws): Data are totals for an industrial sub-Order.
  • 3 (439 rows): Data are for a detailed category.
order_num Integer number. Number identifying the industrial Order, from 1 to 22. The names of the Orders are given in the "industry" column for rows with ind_level = 1.
sub_ord_num Integer number. Number of a sub-Order within an Order. NB these numbers re-start from 1 within each Order, and not all Orders are divided into sub-Orders.
small_industry_id Text string (max.len.=32). Code defined by us to identify the 'industries' listed in the simplified 1931 table for small towns and Rural Districts, as held in occ_1931_small, but used here to assign each of the detailed 'Groups' apearing in the full listing to the appropriate simplified category. This is necessary because the simplified categories are somewhat ad hoc, but the source material enables a completely unambiguous assignment. Each code starts with the roman numeral identifying the Order but this is followed by a short string identifying the particular category, such as 'XVIII_DEFENCE', 'XVIII_CIVIL' and'XVIII_LOCAL', these being the listed divisions of Order XVIII, Public Administration.
group_code Integer number. Integer value identifying the Group within the industry; null if the row is a total for an Order or sub-Order.
industry Text string (max.len.=134). The text that appears in the original report to label the information in each row.
tot_m Integer number. Total: Males. As explained above, the original column in the England and Wales report was headed "Total (excluding Out of Work)", but we have adjusted the England and Wales data so that, like Scotland, the unemployed are included.
tot_f Integer number. Total: Females. See above for adjustment to England and Wales data.
empl_man_m Integer number. Employers, Directors, Managers: Males.
empl_man_f Integer number. Employers, Directors, Managers: Females.
subman_prim_m Integer number. Branch and Departmental Managers: Primary Operations: Males.
subman_prim_f Integer number. Branch and Departmental Managers: Primary Operations: Females.
subman_off_m Integer number. Branch and Departmental Managers: Office or Subsidiary Operations: Males.
subman_off_f Integer number. Branch and Departmental Managers: Office or Subsidiary Operations: Females.
operative_m Integer number. Operative Employees: Males.
operative_f Integer number. Operative Employees: Females.
self_m Integer number. Working on Own Account: Males.
self_f Integer number. Working on Own Account: Females.
out_of_work_m Integer number. Out of Work: Males. NB the original England and Wales data has the heading "Out of Work (all classes) excluded from other columns".
out_of_work_f Integer number. Out of Work: Females.
rec_num Integer number. Sequence number added on loading, placing rows in the correct order. NB there are gaps in the sequence as the data loaded included check sums which were then deleted.