All categories in the 1971 Industrial Classification with mappings to other classifications

Table ID:
IND_1971_CODEBOOK     (1251060)
All categories in the 1971 Industrial Classification with mappings to other classifications
Approx. number of rows:
Table type:
Documentation Author:
Humphrey Southall
The data are for the single year 1971.


  1. The list of "industries" is taken from Table 3, 'Industry and status by area of workplace and sex' for 'County, county boroughs, urban areas with populations of 50,000 or more, conurbation centres (10% Sample)', as published in the Economic Activity County Leaflets for the various counties.' The codebook is designed to exactly match ind_1971_lg_t, and uses the same values of row_seq.
  2. Fuller detail of the SIC1968 classification is given in Central Statistical Office, Standard Industrial Classification (H.M.S.O., 1968). That publication was available for download from, as accessed on 6th June 2015.
  3. The individual 1971 industrial "Units" have been assigned to the 2007 Standard Industrial Clasification using information available from UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 (UK SIC 2007) (, and especially on the 'Summary of Structure' (, accessed 19th December 2014).
  4. This codebook was originally created by Humphrey Southall in spring 2015 to assist with research funded by the Greater London Authority.


  1. The first two columns, 'row_seq' and 'industry', are identical to the columns of the same name in 'ind_1971_lg_t', and the next seven columns hold the information in 'industry' in a more structured way, to aid analysis. The remaining columns link to other classifications.
  2. SIC1968 is organised first into 28 'Orders' and then into a much larger number of 'Minimum List Headings'. Lastly, the CSO documentation lists a large number of sub-divisions of the MLHs but these are more ad hoc, generally being numbered from 1 upwards within the relevant MLH. These appear in the 1971 census listing only for MLH numbers 001 'Agriculture and horticulture', 872 'Educational services', 874 'Medical and dental services', 879 'Other professional and scientific services', 899 'Other services', 901 'National government service' and 906 'Local government service'.


  1. The 1971 information was manually input by Humphrey Southall and fairly carefully checked. The 2007 labels were cut and pasted from the ONS listing, but their assignment is of course a matter of judgement.


IndexTypeColumn(s) indexed
ind_1971_codebook_pkey Primary key row_seq
ind_1971_codebook_idx Unique sic_division, row_seq


The table has the following associated constraints:

ind_1971_codebook_pkey Primary Key See details above for primary key index

Columns within table:

row_seq Integer number. Sequence number identifying the different rows in the table, and placing them in the correct order.
industry Text string (max.len.=84). The row label as printed in the original table, and as held in the ind_1971_lg_t table. These contain the names of the Orders and MLHs within the Industrial Classification, and also fifteen initial rows categorising by employment status:
  • In employment
    • Self-employed
      • Self-employed without employees
      • Self-employed with employees
    • Employees
      • Managers
        • Large establishments
        • Small establishments
      • Foremen and supervisors
        • manual
        • non-manual
      • Apprentices, articled clerks and formal trainees
      • Professional employees
      • Family workers
      • Other employees (excluding professional)
row_level Integer number. Number between 1 and 3 identfying the row's level in the classifcation: Orders are level 1, Mimimum List Headings are level 2, and sub-divisions of MLHs are level 3. The initial rows on employment status have a null level.
order_number Integer number. Number from 1 to 28 identifying the industrial 'Order'. These appear as roman numbers in the original source. All higher-level rows within an Order have the relevant value of order_number
order_name Text string (max.len.=54). Name of the industrial 'Order', as listed in the original table. This is again held for all rows at level 2 or 3.
mlh_number Integer number. The number of the Mimimum List Heading, held only for rows with level 2 or 3.
mlh_name Text string (max.len.=84). Name of the Minimum List Heading. This is held only for rows with level 2 or 3.
mlh_subdiv Text string (max.len.=8). Number idientifying the MLH sub-division, held only for rows with level 3. Held as a character string because one of the sub-divisions of 901 'National government service' is '1-4. Armed forces'.
mlh_subdiv_name Text string (max.len.=134). Name of the MLH sub-division, held only for rows with level 3.
sic_query Text string (max.len.=6). This is a flag column which holds 'Q' if our assignment of the 1971 Unit to the 2007 SIC was seen as especially problematic; otherwise empty.
sic_division Integer number. Integer number identifying the 2007 SIC 'Division' to which we have assigned the 1971 Unit. These form a single sequence running from 1 to 99.
sic_division_name Text string (max.len.=134). Name of the 2007 SIC 'Division'. For example, 'AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHING' is divided into (01) 'Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities', (02) 'Forestry and logging', and (03) 'Fishing and aquaculture'. Some Sections contain only one division.