1971 Industry Statistics reorganised to 2007 Standard Industrial Classification

Table ID:
IND_1971_SIC2007     (1251072)
1971 Industry Statistics reorganised to 2007 Standard Industrial Classification
Approx. number of rows:
Table type:
Documentation Author:
Humphrey Southall
Reporting units are identified by:
   Administrative County
   Local Government District
   Local Government District Type
The data are for the single year 1971.


  1. The contents of this table are entirely derived from:
    • 1971 industry data, transcribed from Table 3 in the Economic Activity County Leaflets. NB this means that there are data only for County Boroughs and all other towns over 50,000 population, plus the potential to compute residuals from the county totals to cover all other districts. There are data in the 1971 Small Area Statistics which suggest a potential for improving estimates for the other districts.
    • 1971 Industry Codebook, used to re-allocate the data to the 2007 Standardised Industrial Classification.
    • 1971 age- and gender-structure table, listing all local government districts and providing the numbers of males and of females aged 15 or over. NB this table is currently also problematic, as it contains a transcription of the published 1971 table only for the West Riding, data for all other areas having been computed from Small Area Statistics which in fact relate to wards as defined in 1981.


  1. The data held here were computed in two different ways:
    • For all County Boroughs, all London Boroughs and those Municipal Boroughs and Urban Districts with total populations over 50,000 the data are exact counts, based on re-classifying 1971 industry data, based on SIC 1968, to SIC 2007. They have however all been multiplied by 10 as they come from a 10% sample.
    • National totals for England and Wales were included using the above procedure.
    • Data for all other units are based on this procedure:
      1. Extract a list of all districts plus male and female total populations from pop_lgd_1971_ew, which is a direct transcription of a 1971 table.
      2. Subtract from these total populations numbers aged from 0 to 14 as listed in age_lgd_1971, which holds somewhat more problematic estimates, to get numbers of men and of women aged 15 and over.
      3. For each district which does not have data in the Industry table, add the totals for men and for women for all such districts within the relevant county.
      4. From the Industry data, add the total numbers of men and of women "In Employment" in the county residuals, and use this to compute ratios of all men and all women in employment to all men and all women aged 15 and over. Use this to compute estimated numbers of men and of women in employment in each districts.
      5. Finally, use combone the ratios of each gender/SIC Division combination for each county residual with the estimated numbers in employment for each district to calculate district numbers for each SIC Division.
  2. One clear problem is that the industry data are based on place of work while the age structure data used in the estimation process count people by place of residence. However, note that:
    • The data for all the largest cities, including the whole of Greater London, are taken directly from the industry tables and area therefore all based on place of work.
    • The adjustment process described above means that counties with large outflows of commuters, such as Surrey, will have especially low ratios of persons in employment to resident population over 15; so at county level this problem is fully adjusted for.


  1. Visual checks were made on sample data at various stages in the calculations.


IndexTypeColumn(s) indexed
ind_1971_sic2007_pkey Primary key g_unit, sic_division


The table has the following associated constraints:

ind_1971_sic2007_pkey Primary Key See details above for primary key index

Columns within table:

adm_cnty Text string (max.len.=48). Name of the Administrative County to which the data relate.
lg_dist Text string (max.len.=68). Name of the local government district to which the data relate.
lg_type Text string (max.len.=20). Type of local government district.
admc_unit Integer number. ID number for Administrative County containing the unit, as defined in the AUO. Set for all reporting areas except the England and Wales totals.
g_unit Integer number. ID number for the reporting area, as defined in the AUO.
sic_division Integer number. Number identifying the Division within the 2007 Standard Industrial Classification.
sic_division_name Text string (max.len.=154). Name of the SIC 2007 Division.
males Floating point number. Number of males in this area and SIC Division.
females Floating point number. Number of females in this area and SIC Division.
rec_num Integer number. Sequence number keeping rows in order they were loaded in.