Industry statistics for all local authority districts in Great Britain, based on Usual Residence.

Table ID:
IND_2011_USU_RES     (1251097)
Industry statistics for all local authority districts in Great Britain, based on Usual Residence.
Approx. number of rows:
Table type:
Raw Data
Documentation Author:
Humphrey Southall
The data are for the single year 2011.


  1. All data are taken from Key Statistics tables KS606 (males) and KS607 (females) from the 2011 census. All data for England and Wales were taken from the downloadable Excel spreadsheets at and on 2nd June 2015. Data for districts in Scotland were taken from files KS606SC.csv and KS607SC.csv which form part of the Zip archive which was downloaded from, again on 2nd June 2015. The national totals for Scotland were manually extracted using


  1. This table holds data for all Local Authority Districts in the UK, plus regional and county totals for England, plus national totals for England, Wales, 'England and Wales', and Scotland, so the only total which needs to be constructed by aggregation is for Great Britain.
  2. The major limitation of this table is that it is based on place of usual residence, not place of work; but it does break the workforce down by gender.
  3. This table is based on SIC 2007, but using only the Sections, not the Divisions, and merging Sections R, S, T and U into a single 'Other' category.


  1. The numerical data are exactly as downloaded from ONS and the GRO(S); no checking possible.


IndexTypeColumn(s) indexed
ind_2011_usu_res_unit_idx Unique g_unit, sic_section

Columns within table:

area_code Text string (max.len.=14). Code number as defined by the cenusus offices. The numbers for areas within England and Wales formed part of the download from ONS and are included here unchanged. The Scottish data did not include these IDs, so they have been added from our vector boundary data for 2011 local authorities, as downloaded from Edina and held in gis_gb2011_lad. However, this matching showed that four Scottish districts were sub-divided in the GIS and consequently could not be given IDs: Argyll & Bute, Highland, Moray and North Ayrshire.
nation Text string (max.len.=22). Name of the 'nation', i.e. England, Scotland, Wales or 'England and Wales'.
region Text string (max.len.=28). Name of the Government Office Region. These are defined only in England.
county Text string (max.len.=30). Name of the county. This are defined only in England and exclude Unitary Authorities. Note that the census defines London as a region and divides it into Inner London and Outer London, which are treated here as counties.
cnty_type Text string (max.len.=8). Holds 'MetC' where the county is labelled as a 'Metropolitan County'.
district Text string (max.len.=33). Name of the District or Unitary Authority.
dist_type Text string (max.len.=8). Type of district; holds 'UA' if the unit is a Unitary Authority.
row_seq Integer number. Row sequence number, placing data in the order they were listed by ONS or the GRO(S).
row_type Text string (max.len.=12). Holds NATION, REGION, COUNTY or DISTRICT as appropriate.
g_unit Integer number. ID number of the local government district, county, region or nation as defined in the GBHGIS AUO. NB all rows in the table have a unit ID.
sic_section Text string (max.len.=10). Letter code from A to R identifying the Section, or 'TOTAL' for overall totals.
sic_section_name Text string (max.len.=76). Label for SIC Section, as used as column heading in the Key Statistics table, including:
  • All categories: Industry [for TOTAL]
  • A Agriculture, forestry and fishing
  • R, S, T, U Other
males Integer number. Number of males working in the industry.
females Integer number. Number of females working in the industry.